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Here is a collection of resources to learn more about Frederick Law Olmstead, landscape architecture, and other information about the New Jersey Park system.
Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America
In this Olmsted Legacy film, you will learn about Frederick Law Olmsted and the landscape architect firm responsible for the Rahway River Parkway, hired by Union County Park Commission. The film explores the enormous contributions of Olmsted to the American landscape, as well as his marked failures and loss.
Recommended Reading
Children's Books
Other Resources
Union County Parks History
Learn about the Union County Parks from the Initial Planning Stages in 1921 by the Olmsted Brothers
NJ Keep It Green
NJ Keep It Green (KIG) is an active coalition of more than 150 statewide, local, and regional organizations committed to land conservation, agriculture, historic preservation, environmental protection, urban parks, hunting and fishing, and other forms of outdoor recreation, working together to sustain and properly guide funding for the preservation and stewardship of New Jersey’s waterways, wildlife habitat, natural areas, farmland, forests, parks, and historic sites for our quality of life and future generations
Preservation NJ
Preservation New Jersey promotes the economic vitality, sustainability, and heritage of New Jersey’s diverse communities through advocacy and education.
April 26, 2022, marks the 200th birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted, author, journalist, public official, city planner, and father of American landscape architecture. Olmsted and his successor firms designed thousands of landscape projects across the country, transforming American life and culture. His vision of public parks for all people — and their ability to strengthen communities and promote public well-being — are now more important than ever.Through events, education, and advocacy at the local and national levels, Olmsted 200 ensures that Olmsted’s legacy lives on by renewing public and policy commitments to the preservation and maintenance of our historic parks and places.
Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Gardens
The Archives of American Gardens, part of the Smithsonian Gardens, includes a collection of approximately 60,000 photographic images and records that document historic and contemporary gardens throughout the United States.
The Olmsted Archives at Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site
The Olmsted Archives is one of the most widely researched collections in the National Park System, containing close to 1,000,000 original documents related to the work of the Olmsted firm.
Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation
Based at the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site, the Center perpetuates the traditions of the Olmsted offices and Frederick Law Olmsted's lifelong commitment to people, parks, and public spaces. As part of the National Park Service's mission to provide technical assistance to national parks and other historic property managers, the Olmsted Center applies expertise in horticulture, landscape architecture, and history to the preservation of cultural landscapes.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust for Historic Preservation's mission is to provide leadership, education, and advocacy to save America's diverse historic places and revitalize our communities.